Greenhouse Still Producing
It’s October and the Man of the House is still getting peppers out of the greenhouse! We’re going to try to keep things going by using the grow lights a couple of times during the day.
Continue reading →It’s October and the Man of the House is still getting peppers out of the greenhouse! We’re going to try to keep things going by using the grow lights a couple of times during the day.
Continue reading →A few years ago I made baked doughnuts as a Halloween treat. They were tasty and very pretty.
Continue reading →September’s almost gone? How did that happen? Where did it go? Oh yes, now I remember . . . Our area was hit by a windstorm on August 30th. The power was out for about 24 hours. Sadly our crop … Continue reading →
Here’s what we’ve been doing . . . . Picking blackberries: It’s a spidery, hot, prickly and buggy sort of activity. Cleaning up ferns: Here’s are before and after photos. I’ve only got about half a dozen more to go. … Continue reading →
The Man of the House and I looked long and hard before we found this house. Here’s one of our adventures in house hunting, our trip to Aberdeen.
Continue reading →I recently posted instructions for growing garlic. These work great for growing garlic in the Puget Sound area. But what if you live in a different part of the country? Your planting times may vary, so do some Internet research … Continue reading →
When we lived in Bellevue my parents gave us some Egyptian Walking Onions. We really like them. When we lived in our rental for four years we managed to keep a few alive by growing them in pots. We recently … Continue reading →
We’re growing garlic again! You can plant garlic in the spring, but I do it in the Fall. Overwintering like this gives the garlic a head start and makes for a higher yield. Here’s how I do it: Plant during the first … Continue reading →
Today I was thinking about this recipe for Homemade Window Cleaner I posted in 2009. Why was I thinking about window cleaner? The first reason is fairly practical. My windows really, really need cleaning. I’ve got that on my list … Continue reading →